Welcome to Jekyll!
jekyll, update ·You’ll find this post in your
directory. Go ahead and edit it and re-build the site to see your changes. You can rebuild the site in many different ways, but the most common way is to runjekyll serve
, which launches a web server and auto-regenerates your site when a file is updated. -
Treefort 2016 App Retrospective
Code, Music ·In the past I have blogged about the Treefort 2015 Lineometer, well the Lineometer got such great reviews that I felt inspired, I felt like we could do more. So shortly after Treefort 2015, a group of friends and I reached out to the people who were working on the app last year and asked if they wanted some help....
Treefort 2015 Lineometer Retrospective
Code, Music ·Well, we are now four days post-festival and we’re still basking in the awesomeness that was Treefort Music Fest 2015. After going over our numbers for the Treefort Lineometer, I gotta say I’m impressed. Every single person who contributed to this project is seriously a rockstar. We were featured as one of the best parts of the festival by
Treefort 2015 Lineometer
Code, Music ·Well folks, I’m writing this year just before Treefort Music Fest ’15 to announce the project that some of my righteous coworkers and I helped create…the Treefort Lineometer! Because I didn’t have much to do with the technical side of the app this year, I’ll just give an overview of the features, the major technologies we used,...
Treefort Musician Map v2.0
Code, Music ·First things first, go HERE to see what this post is about. If you are interested in how I did this … keep reading. Note: Nobody from Treefort Music Fest knows I did this, I just did it for fun. Last year I made a heatmap to show the geographical layout of all the artists that would...
Increasing max upload size for self-hosted WordPress site
Code ·When you compose posts in WordPress and you click the “Add Media” button you are presented with a dialog to drag and drop or browse your file system for a file you want to add. You are presented with this lovely text “Maximum upload file size: 2MB.” WTF man, awesome.gif is 5.1MB, and I don’t want to shrink it to...
Treefort Musician Map
Code ·For those of you who know me, I enjoy a lot of things with computers, new technology, libraries, and fun projects. My initial idea for a heat map came to me while on a MTB ride and I thought it would be really cool to map the activity levels of different Strava athletes around the country to...
"Everything in excess is opposed to nature"
Rants ·Well interwebs, it has been quite a while since my last post. I’ve been busy, trying to keep my head straight and figure out what this post would be about. Through that thought process arose one winner, and one sort-of obligatory half winner. First I plan on talking about excess, and how I’ve been trying to reign in my excess....
A Remedy
Code, Social Good ·So, in accordance with my last post I’m going to be trying to post more and more on here to fill people in on my happenings/thoughts/feelings etc. I would like to remind people that this is my PERSONAL blog, so things are bound to get personal. If this makes you queasy, then this is not the blog to be reading,...
Code, Social Good ·Well inter-webs, its been nearly a year. The site has undergone some updates to its look and feel, but the content remains the same, some outdated cancer posts, some random CS rants, etc.. This lack of content is one of the reasons for this post, to keep something new, to refresh this blog with a new invigorated sense of self....
Post 00 – Code Blog
Code ·Well I just turned in a 10 Micro-controller comparison report for my ECE 433 class and I decided to write a short little blog post here to start my Operating Systems blog. I will make a category for all my Operating Systems blog posts that way they will comprise a sort of diary for that class. Today I got my grade back...
Senior Year : First Impressions
Code ·Hello all faithful readers out there in cyberspace. I decided to update this little blog of mine since;
- It has been a while.
- I just finished my first two weeks of my Senior Year at BSU.
- I thought I would like to tell you all how my classes are going, and what kinds of topics you can expect I'll...
Code, Random, School ·Hello all, lately I’ve been a bit delinquent about updating this blog. That is for a few different reasons;
- First, My idea to take Math 333 (Differential Equations) over the summer, has turned into a lesson patience. Way too much homework for one class, and then the teacher won't even grade the entire assignment :( after turning it in. ...
Birthday Computer Parts!
Code, School ·Well as most of the readers of this blog know, my birthday is June 21. My lovely family decided to buy me a bunch of computer parts for my new PC!!! So stoked that I get to build this one from scratch exactly like I want. Thanks goes to my mom, grandparents, sister, and dad, who unknowingly contributed too :)....
Music, Playlist · -
Settling In
Code, School ·So the site has so far been a success, not sure if anyone has been keeping up on the updates and whatnot. But if you access the main site fosteri.zone then you can click around and see the new code examples that I have posted, even with syntax highlighting via HTML and JavaScript. Thanks to Alex Gorbatchev and his...
Pictures / Videos, Random ·This, well this is just awesome!
Finally Getting Set Up
Hodgkins Lymphoma ·These last few months have been a whirlwind, new job, new school assignments, fun fun fun. Busy the whole way through. Somehow I managed to get this website up and running though. Welcome to the new www.20yearsandthehodge.blogspot.com I have revamped some things, check out the links, navigate the site, there is a pictures section and video section. I plan...
Hodgkins Lymphoma ·These commercials have been getting my attention lately. Fight2Win.Org It is an organization started by Alese Coco and her Family, this girl was slightly younger than me when she go diagnosed with the EXACT same Hodgkins Lymphoma (Nodular Sclerosing Stage II). She has now passed on but her story really hit me hard since she has been...
Hodgkins Lymphoma ·Thought this video was worth reposting, my buddy Richard posted it on Facebook. Enjoy!
Some info here also for your enlightenment.
Code ·Here are some of the more visually appealing programming assignments I’ve been working on this semester. Traveling Salesman Problem - 15k Points in Germany In so many words, these two programs attempt to find a smaller path between a group of points, the one on the right uses the Smallest Insertion Heuristic and the left used the Nearest Insertion...
Hodgkins Lymphoma ·Hello All, I have been extremely haphazard lately as to how I update and when I update this blog. I decided I need to come up with something to do here, and I have come up to an unfortunate conclusion as to what. My plans are to end this blog, yes that’s right, terminate and end the life of this...
Enjoyed This
Hodgkins Lymphoma · -
Cycling, Random ·I would LOVE to have this bicycle, in the video that is, with the guy playing guitar…you get it. Heres the video
Also, thought this was funny/creative
A Possible Turn for the Worse?
Hodgkins Lymphoma, Radiation Oncology ·Well as some of you know, I have been in and out of the hospital for many things these last few months, and unfortunately…I had to go back last night. Experiencing severe chest pain and started to think that maybe it wasn’t just something I ate or maybe just me overdoing it on my bike. But just being done with...
Somethings Gotta Give
Hodgkins Lymphoma, Radiation Oncology ·Something in the mail today, “TOTAL RADIATION THERAPY - $30,279.00” “DOCTORS GUIDANCE / MANAGING - $5,555.07” And add this to the already billed $102,000 and I’m approaching a new grand total of around $140,000. Not trying to make any political statements or anything here but.
- What are your thoughts on the United States medical system?
- What needs...
Post-Treatment State-O-Mind
Hodgkins Lymphoma, Music, Playlist ·This summer expect to see a Jimmy Buffet look alike :)
Words to Live By
Hodgkins Lymphoma, Music, Playlist · -
Code, Cycling, Hodgkins Lymphoma, School ·Just got back from finding a VeloCache with my buddy Codizzle and I got to thinking…Should I change the name of my blog now that I am done with my treatments? Let me know what you all think by voting on the right side of my page (you should find a poll). I am also thinking of updating...
!!! FINISHED !!!
Shoshone Falls
Holidays, Random ·Went out to Shoshone Falls with Mom this weekend. Here is a little vid of the trip! Enjoy!
Information Station
Hodgkins Lymphoma ·Special thanks to Dylan for pointing me to this. Considering that my major chest tumor at the time of diagnosis was around 5+ cm in diameter, the blood vessels must have had quite the network to work within.
For those who dont know the details my tumors were specifically Nodular...
Ohhh Radiation
Hodgkins Lymphoma, Radiation Oncology, Rants ·The quickest way to piss someone off… Take away their ability to eat Five lbs lost last week and dropping, doc says if I lose anymore its gonna be a bigger issue. Let them drop, let all the lbs drop like the leaves from a tree I say. I can’t get any lighter than my first sick weight (145 lbs)....
Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma, Holidays, Radiation Oncology, Rants ·As I sit here before work on this beautiful Easter Sunday morning, I’m updating my current bills for my treatment and I’m drawn to this number at the bottom of the spreadsheet we update. And the total billed for my 5 months of treatment is:
What can this get you? Well here are a few things… After one...
1/2 Way Through it All
Hodgkins Lymphoma, Radiation Oncology ·Today I had my 10th radiation. I’m halfway done, getting haggard, and trying to stay motivated. It is really something else having to go there everyday. It’s not the radiation part that really gets me it’s that sometimes, you have to do things that you don’t want to do. Like don’t even want to come close to doing (i.e. radiation...
Workplace Revival
Code, Rants ·Found this while browsing today. We are always talking about this very subject at work so I thought I would provide a little professional insight to the topic. I have no doubt my opinion is irrelevant but nonetheless…the article is interesting. Pulled from CNET.com news.
Here's some good news that you should forward to your boss. A study...
A Physics Lesson
School ·Today is Physics class we watched a little film (clip below) profiling easily one of the greatest scientific minds of our civilization Galileo Galilei. Thought it was well done and pretty interesting, anyhow check it out!
Good quote from the end of the movie talking about his telescope from a church leader to...
Radiation Treatment #1
Hodgkins Lymphoma, Music, Radiation Oncology ·Today I had my very first radiation treatment! Only 19 more to go and I will be done by the end of April. I’ll be doing this daily so the side effects are supposed to slowly build up towards the end. Enjoy the video.
Video is fast forwarded 4x, total treatment time is about...
Cycling, Hodgkins Lymphoma, Radiation Oncology, School ·Spring Break Over 1st Radiation Therapy (Stay Tuned for Details Tomorrow) Sprint to the Finish …MTB Ride now
Hodgkins Lymphoma, Radiation Oncology ·Here are some pictures from my treatment/planning simulation today. It was quite the experience really. Imagine having warm plastic stretched over your top half in an attempt to hold you still. I can honestly say my eyes have been opened. It was really an interesting experience. My mind was racing with thoughts of the genius’ who created these methods and...
Fridays Appointment
Hodgkins Lymphoma, Radiation Oncology, Sci-Fi ·Today I went into MSTI (Mountain States Tumor Institute) but instead of visiting the lovely chemotherapy lounge I got to go into the basement floor, the Radiation Oncology Floor! I met with my new doctor and got a little bit of insight on my current prognosis, my future treatment, and the expected side effects of radiation. I learned that my...
Chemotherapy, Cycling, Hodgkins Lymphoma, Radiation Oncology, Sci-Fi ·Its been a few days since I posted here so I thought I would give you an idea what I’ve been up to:
- School: Physics test today
- Work: Busier and busier
- Bikes
- Battling the never-ending cold
Upcoming events:
- Meet Radiology Oncologist on Friday
- Radiation begins on Monday
Anyways, I’ve been super busy. Hope you all are...
New Program
Code, School ·I made this little ditty for Computer Science class homework, just a simple window that opens up and then lets you click the button to change the phase of the light (i.e. Red, Green, Yellow). Here’s a picture. (UPDATE: lost somewhere on the internet between 20yearsandthehodge.blogspot.com, williamgfoster.com, willfoster.doesntexist.org, and fosteri.zone)
Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma, Music, Playlist ·Here it is; enjoy.
Music, Random, Rants, School ·Another Friday night, contemplating some more LaTex fun. But just had a big math test today so I’ll probably take a night off. I’ve been thinking a lot about math today and lately, and I really have been growing an affinity for it. Not in the sense that I’m very good at it, but in the sense that mathematics when...
Tuesday AM Ride
Cycling, Hodgkins Lymphoma ·Yesterday I went on my first mountain bike ride of the season! Up Kestrel and down Hulls Gulch! It was a cold one but I was just glad to be able to go. I haven’t really ridden since about a month before my diagnosis (October), so needless to say I was pretty weak. But nonetheless it was...
Friday Night LaTex
Chemotherapy, Code, Hodgkins Lymphoma, School ·So I’m sitting here gloating over my recent score, a 93% on my Physics test! This is a drastic improvement from my earlier quiz score, as I regrettably remember. This week has been … busy. I got chemo on Monday, which didn’t set me back much. Felt lively and ready for action pretty much all week, days #3 and #4...
Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma ·So I’m getting ABVD #7 right now. That means after this week … only one more treatment of chemotherapy!!! Then radiation, but that’s of no concern to me. Anyways, here is an interesting story I happened across this morning.
COMPSCI 125-002
Code, School ·For everyone who is interested in what I do in class all day long. Here is an example, a little program we made in class today. It asks the user for an input of a length and height of a 90 degree triangle. It then returns the value of the hypotenuse. First you can see the source code (images lost...
Right Before Work
Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma ·Was browsing online and found these pictures. Not meant to be weird or anything but these are the cancer cells, called Reed-Sternberg Cells, that are infecting my body and being destroyed by my ABVD Treatment. [caption id=”” align=”aligncenter” width=”800”] Reed–Sternberg Cell[/caption]
A(B)VD #6
Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma, School ·That’s right! I had my 6th session of ABVD today (minus the B). Many reasons for subtracting the B, first of all Big Willy don’t need all of the chemo anymore, and second of all my “mass” is shrinking. All I hear now in the docs office is..
- Textbook response
- Great
- Exactly what I thought
Chemo…or ChemNO
Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma, School ·Went into MSTI today…got denied chemo. My white blood cell count (WBC) is too low, even more specifically, my Neutrophil count has dropped below 600 (something about my body not being able to react quickly and regenerate due to the cumulative effects of ABVD), this leaves me at high risk of infection due to almost no immune...
Good Week
Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma, Random, School ·This week was a great week, got some things done:
- Ready for school
- Bike ride with Velopirates
- Work
- Laundry / Dishes
These are all pretty menial tasks but hey! I had a good week anyways, and I have chemo tomorrow.
Random, Social Good ·I pulled this off a buddies post of a post, originally from Engadget.com. Despite differing political beliefs, there is one thing we can all agree on. This is interesting.
You're now gazing at President Barack...
Just Reading
Hodgkins Lymphoma ·I was just reading online a little about Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, and a little statistic showed up thought you might find these interesting. This can be found at Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
- About 74,340 Americans will be diagnosed with lymphoma in 2008.
- 8,220 new cases of Hodgkin lymphoma (4,400 males and 3,820 females)
- 66,120 new cases of NHL...
Winter Saturday at Work
Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma ·First just wanted to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JILL! Also, today we decided to have a little buzz cut in the shop at work. I decided that I’m sick of my hair falling out on my pillows and clothes so I buzzed it to a number ONE guard. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy. [gallery type=”slideshow” link=”file” columns=”1”...
From WIRED.com
Random, Social Good ·Thought you might enjoy a bit of light reading. Here’s a Cell Phone made of Recycled Bottles
Cats, Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma ·Oh what to say about Thursday, not much really. It’s the third day after chemo on Monday so, naturally, today was a lesson in just how odd my body could feel. I felt shaky all day but kept my steady stream of anti-nausea meds running. I can only imagine how I would feel without these wondrous Rx’s. In my free...
Chemo Diary
Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma ·As I arrived at MSTI. (8:30AM) I went quickly into the lounge and got my blood draw, however … a few issues with blood return in my port (where the drugs go in). Imagine two nurses holding my head towards the ground with my feet propped up in the air. Something you might see at Teeter Hang Ups. So...
New Years
Holidays ·Happy 2009!
What I'm Watching
Cycling, Random ·Here are a few videos I have been watching lately. Thought you might enjoy them too!
Safety Dance
Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma, Music, Playlist ·WOOOHOOOO, I’m sitting here with only about 1 more hour left on my 4th, count em, 4th chemo infusion!!! This may not seem like a lot, but hey it means one thing … I’m about half way done with the chemo part of my treatment! So in honor of this great day I have posted a certain video for you...
The Coming Scan
Hodgkins Lymphoma, Holidays ·Since I’ve gotten that CT scan appointment for the new year all I can think of is, “What if all this feeling like crap, getting infused all the time, multiple transfusions…what if none of this has done anything?” I know that’s not very positive thinking, which I’m trying to keep up, but seriously. Up until now there has really been...
Great News!
Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma ·I had another doctor appointment today and guess what!!!! My red blood cell count (RBC) is staying high for once and that means no more transfusions for a while he says! So other than that exciting news, nothing else has happened. Just thought I would put a quick note in here about that. ALSO, I get my next CT scan...
Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma, Holidays, Music, Random ·What an eventful weekend, mixed in with medical stuff I got to attend the Georges Cycles Christmas party at the brand new G-Fit Studio. For those of you who don’t know, this is a concept/fit/expensive stuff mecca. It was opened a month or so back and is run by my buddy Jason and he’s keepin’ it classy in the...
Let it Snow!
Blood Transfusion, Hodgkins Lymphoma, Random ·Today I woke up feeling like they said I would, $1,000,000. Which to me … is quite a bit of feel good! Hopefully this transfusion will last a bit longer this time and I can feel good all week-long. I woke up this morning to a bunch of snow (for Boise) outside, it looks beautiful and reminds me why I...
Ohh Wednesday
Blood Transfusion, Hodgkins Lymphoma, Random ·So today is pretty much just another Wednesday, or Hump Day if you prefer, and that means one of two things. Nausea is half way over, or half way begun. I tend to think its more likely to be the last one because last bad week it lasted through the weekend, not good at all. But we will see, I get...
Round 3
Blood Transfusion, Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma ·So today was round 3 … went well per usual. I even got a picture of me being injected with Adriamycin. The wondrous A in my ABVD regimen. It all went well with my first draw starting around 9:00AM and ending around 2:00PM. Was a good day, still quite a bit shaky from my steroids (given prior) and from...
Work work Work
Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma ·Work went well today, hair falling out more and more everyday (in the shower even). Other than that energy level is back up and I’m feeling good. I go in for round 3 on Monday so we will see how that goes. Woo hooo. haha
Adventures in Transfusion
Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma ·So after waiting over 24 hours for the local blood bank to match my blood (unsuccessful still). I sit here in my hospital room beginning what is 8 hours of great fun…a biological cross match is what they are calling it. Basically this consists of giving me O negative blood, which is compatible with everyone, and then testing my body...
Whats a Port?
Blood Transfusion, Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma ·So I keep talking about my “Port”, I’ll be caught saying “my port this” and “my port that” so here’s a little info on exactly what is inserted in my chest. I have installed what is called a Power-Port by Bard Access, it essentially saves me from having to have an IV installed every week when they want blood...
Blood Transfusion, Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma ·Today was pretty good, helped mom and cleaned up the garage all day. Felt good till tonight, my headaches seem to be getting worse, the more I think about this transfusion and how it supposedly will make me feel better the more I want it. Haha, it seems like it will be a necessary evil throughout this process since the...
A New Month, A New Week
Random ·Well well, what can be said. Its cold, its December. And its my good week! I’ve got a lot on my list to do and keep myself busy:
- Organize next semester and sell back my old books
- Meet with academic advisor today
- Ship off my eBay auctions (ended last night)
- Rest and relaxation
- Blood transfusion
- Doctor appointment
- Two Neupagen...
Getting Through
Blood Transfusion, Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma ·So as I sit here tonight in my humble abode. I’m recounting the events of this week. Chemo on Monday, good as usual, the nurses were nice and I got news the a blood transfusion is something … of necessity. What I thought was going to be a choice is now turning into something that is required, I basically just...
The New Me
Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma ·Beard and all! Check it out! [gallery type=”slideshow” link=”file” columns=”1” size=”large” ids=”877,878” orderby=”rand”]
Ding Ding…Round One
Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma ·So after all these sequential posts I’m finally getting caught up in my saga for you guys to be reading some current posts. So I’ll give you a brief review of round one…Sit in a bed, get chemo for 4 hours, get up from bed at hour 3, go to the TLC (Treatment Learning Class), return to bed after my...
The Next Stage
Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma ·As for the next leg of my story it goes kinda like this. On the Monday I get my diagnosis, after many more blood tests I get the schedule for the next week. How anyone is supposed to work/school or do anything is crazy to me. Monday: Labs / Doctors Visit Tuesday: Reproductive Health Clinic Wednesday: Bone Marrow Biopsy /...
The Beginning
Chemotherapy, Hodgkins Lymphoma ·Well well, where to start. There is so much to say and quite frankly, I’m tired and don’t want to say much. But I guess I’ll start at the beginning, some might say writing my thoughts down is therapeutic, others would say its a bit … daunting. However I think of this as a good way to use my time,...