A Remedy
Code, Social Good ·So, in accordance with my last post I’m going to be trying to post more and more on here to fill people in on my happenings/thoughts/feelings etc. I would like to remind people that this is my PERSONAL blog, so things are bound to get personal. If this makes you queasy, then this is not the blog to be reading, maybe you should be reading Gizmodo or TechCrunch (some of my favorite tech blogs). With that in mind, I don’t intend on telling the internet my most innermost secrets, but I will talk about my personal life, personal satisfaction, personal goals, etc. So let the games begin! My last post focused mainly on my dissatisfaction with my current situation and how I wished to contribute more to society. I felt a genuine lack of self fulfillment at my previous job and was trying to find a way to remedy, unfortunately most people who read that post thought I was a depressed, self-loathing piece of shit that was on the verge of suicide or something. I got comments that ranged from “I had no idea you were so depressed … is everything OK?” to “Why don’t you just join the Peace Corps.” despite my friends genuine concern (I truly appreciate my friends who read this and care about me), both responses were thoroughly unsatisfying to me. For gods sake, I don’t want to go join the Peace Corps. and I’m definitely not on the verge of depression. Relax people, sometimes a guys just gotta vent. I’m glad to report that I have done something about this dissatisfaction. Over the last month I have been seeking employment elsewhere, I interviewed with Garmin Inc. in Olathe, KS and in Salem, OR. I also interviewed with a new start-up (WhiteCloud Analytics) in my current home town Boise, ID. (I say Boise is my home town since I have spent equal parts of my life here and my previous home town Escondido, CA) which would turn out to be the new job I took. I am glad to report that I am so very excited to start work there on Sept. 12th. The thing that really attracted me to the start-up over Garmin was everyone’s attitude, the engineers reminded me why I wanted to be a software engineer, they reminded me what I love so much about my discipline, and they seemed to empathize with my situation. The atmosphere was so remarkably different from what I’ve been working in for the last year and a half. There aren’t fellow engineers in the hall who don’t acknowledge you. There is no insistent complaining if an engineer doesn’t get their way (I swear engineers can be huge divas). They work hard, but they play hard. They take a genuine self-interest in the product they are working on. There is no disconnect, no us vs. them. So I’m not really sure what I’m getting at with this post, but I just wanted to give a bit of a breather for those who thought I was depressed, and let you all know that I’m on the verge of finding a remedy. Maybe this start-up wont be all that I hope it will be, but maybe it will, and that’s the most exciting part. That I don’t know the future there, at my old job, predictability was key. As a 23-year-old software engineer and simpleton, predictability is the last thing on my list.